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Göteborg Cup Football!

29 May - 1 June 2025


Göteborg Cup Fotboll 2025. A place for everyone!

Register now Edit your registration Register referee

Registration for Göteborg Cup fotball 2025 opens on September 1!

NOTE! Page under maintanence

Download our app from App Store or Google Play

Register now

Secure your place in the tournament, register today!

Registered teams

Class division

Here you can see our class division for girls and boys.

Class division


On Friday, May 10th and Saturday, May 11th, Enenda's sales tent will be located in Kviber Park, where you can purchase the tournament's merchandise.



Enjoy and explore Liseberg!


Food festival and play area

During the tournament, we will host a food festival featuring numerous food trucks offering food from all around the world!

Food festival and play area

Many more experiences!

Keep in mind that the tournament takes place during the Ascension Day weekend. This means that most children and adults will already have time off, so there's no need to take additional leave from work!

More experiences!

Follow your favourite teams

Download our app to your phone, and we'll help you keep track during the tournament!

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